Thanks for taking the time to leave a note! I always appreciate sharing this passion for Pokemon with people around me :) - Prof. Abel
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candycanearter September 8, 2024 at 3:55:38 PM

cool site biggrin (i found it thru neoskitties directory)

Reno August 22, 2024 at 11:47:33 PM

I cannot express the joy i felt when i randomly stumbled across this site! I have LOVED the Let's Find Pokemon books since i was a kid and have been searching for proper scans of them for AGES. The only real complaint i have is that they should be available as PDFs, but other than that, thank you SO much for taking the time to archive these wonderful, wonderful books! June 22, 2024 at 6:44:31 PM

I absolutely adore this website. I had no idea they had more recent editions of this series! The artwork in these books was so fun, and I'm so glad that someone is taking the time to have an archive of it for others to easily access and appreciate ★

Leon June 19, 2024 at 4:17:02 PM

I always adored Let's Find Pokemon! since I got the special complete edition as a kid. I knew from sources like Bulbapedia that there were more books but there was almost no information about them. I could barely find pictures that weren't just the covers. I stumbled across this site while searching again one day and I was so surprised and happy someone else cared as much as I do! People like you are invaluable to the community; documenting even the most obscure Pokemon media so everyone can enjoy it. Thank you, and I wish you well on your journey to find 'em all! perfect

13 June 15, 2024 at 4:24:35 AM

I really love this website and I admire your dedication to a book series that probably flew under most people's radar. I still have my copy of Let's Find Pokemon! Silver and Gold from when I was a kid and I looked at it again for the first time in years because of this website and it was really fun to look at all the unique poses and situations. Thank you for making this website and I wish you luck in your archiving!